Monday, November 25, 2019


GUILT BAD REMORSE GOOD essays There is a big difference between remorse and guilt. Guilt is feeling responsible for something you are not responsible for. As you read above this is never a good thing to have happen to you. On the other hand if you feel remorse it means that you had control of the outcome of a situation but you did not take responsibility for it. If you were driving down the road and you were going the speed limit and obeying the rules of the road and a little cat jumped in front of your car and you sent it to kitty heaven it is not your fault. You couldn't do anything to change the outcome of the situation. On the other hand if you were driving under the influence and you were swerving and you hit a kitty on the sidewalk then it would have been your fault. If you don't take responsibility for your actions then the outcome will most likely be remorse. If you have remorse for not doing something to avoid hitting the cat then that is a good thing because you will know better in the future. One day in the middle of summer me and my friend were chilling in the back of his house in the woods walking around and trying to keep our balance on a fallen log. We were walking towards the end of the log and I made a loud noise and he fell of the end and scraped his back on a broken log limb. I know it wasn't my fault, and it was probably his clumsiness but I still feel like I am to blame for this incident. The remorse I felt after this incident happened was very great and I don't think it ever went away totally. The story that come to mind when I think of remorse is one of my childhood years. During the earlier years of my life (around13-14) I had access to a paintball gun. These things are definitely not to be played with and that's exactly what I did. I was walking in the woods behind my house when I spotted a bird perched on a tree limb and I wanted to shoot next to him to scare him away. I shot the gun and missed him so I was doing ...

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